If you choose to pass a variable by reference, prefix it with&, and put it inside the []; for variable passing by value, prefix it with the equal sign (=). 如果选择通过引用传递变量,就在它前面加上&并把它放在[]内;对于通过值传递的变量,在它前面加上等号(=)。
The enable-call-by-reference element is generally used to pass parameters by reference rather than by value, which requires making a copy of the parameters. enable-call-by-reference元素通常用于按引用传递参数,而不是按值传递,后者需要对参数做复制。
From here, you only need to change one value inside this file, the$ db_pass field, the password used by the bugzilla's MySQL account ( which you'll create in a moment). 在此,您只需要修改这个文件中的一个值,即$dbpass字段,这是bugzilla的MySQL帐号(您马上就要创建它)所使用的口令。
Technically speaking, you can also use [=] and pass all local variables by value to the function: This is the fourth way to do things. 从技术上说,还可以使用[=]把所有局部变量通过值传递给函数,这是第四种方法。
The Object Request Broker ( ORB) pass by reference option determines if pass by reference or pass by value semantics should be used when handling parameter objects involved in an EJB request. ObjectRequestBroker(ORB)通过引用传递选项确定,在处理EJB请求中涉及的参数对象时应该使用通过引用传递还是通过值传递语义。
The results show that the split windshield not only can reduce the air leak of long pass and reduce the dust concentration of airflow, but is characterized by simple structure, easy installation, operation and maintenance, therefore being of extending value. 结果表明多片式挡风板不仅可以减少高溜井的漏风量,降低冲击风流中的含尘浓度,而且结构简单,安装、使用及维护方便,有推广应用价值。
From pass to now, everyone knows a truth that a responsible individual would be highly respected by others and could finally realize his self value. 从古至今,大家都明白这样一个道理,那就是一个勇于承担责任的人无论走到哪里,都是会受到众人的敬仰的,自我价值也会得到实现。